
Things seem pretty topsy turvy!

It's been a crazy week, hasn't it? All of this news coming out about the President acting like some kind of mob boss - who'da thought it possible? I took the photo attached while I was on St Simons Island last week - it's the overturned car carrier sitting out in the middle of shipping lanes, causing a major backup at the Port of Brunswick. Things certainly are topsy turvy!!!

In all seriousness, all of this geopolitical intrigue, from the impeachment to the continuing saga with China, it could make one queasy as they think about their investment portfolios and the future in general.

On the positive side, take a look at Greta Thunberg and her willingness to stand up, against all odds, and speak truth to power, and things look much better. The future is bright with young leaders like her in the mix!

Intentional Assets
