What I Learned From Backpacking Europe Alone At 57 | HuffPost null
It has been a dream trip of mine since I was a child.
Alternative Energy
Battery Storage Soars on U.S. Electric Grid - WSJ
Falling costs and green mandates are boosting demand for batteries capable of storing large amounts of wind and solar power for later use.
Markets & Economy
Beef Prices Are Soaring, But Cattle Ranchers Aren't Cashing In - The New York Times
“You’re feeding America and going broke doing it”: After years of consolidation, four companies dominate the meatpacking industry, while many ranchers are barely hanging on.
Climate Change
U.S. weather and natural disasters in 2021 - Washington Post
2021 was a year of weather extremes: fires and smoke out West, flooding and hurricanes in the Southeast, extreme heat in the Northwest, freezing temperatures in the Midwest, deadly tornadoes in December. Take a meteorological tour through these events to explore what was behind this anomalous year.
2021 Was a Huge Missed Opportunity on Climate Action | WIRED
The pandemic should have been a wake-up call—instead, emissions have climbed once more. Here's how the US could have seized the opportunity.
Scientists may have found the first known planet to orbit three stars | Science | AAAS
“Circumtriple” planet would show planets can form in unusual places
A philosopher of science explains how birds perceive time and space differently than humans |
Belgian philosopher of science Vinciane Despret spoke with Salon about her new book, "Living as a Bird"
Why the Second-Driest State Rejects Water Conservation — ProPublica
Utah has some of the highest per-capita water use and is the fastest-growing state. Yet a powerful group that steers Utah’s water policy keeps pushing for costly infrastructure over meaningful conservation efforts.